This is an intriguing if somewhat predictable love story with religious undertones set in 19th-century England. Captain Stephen Overtree, a responsible elder son, marries the daughter of a famous artist. The girl, Sophia, became pregnant by Stephen’s free-spirited younger brother, Wesley, before he ran off to the continent.
The strife between proper “moral” behavior and Bohemianism plays out in the extended Overtree family, and Sophia struggles to fit in. Sophia’s secret love for Wesley and the need to keep secret the circumstances of her pregnancy is a focal conflict of the story, and Wesley’s climactic return makes a good plot point. An interesting cast of characters includes Stephen’s old nurse, a woman with a propensity for predicting the future. While historical in setting, the novel’s values and voice have a somewhat modern feel.
The novel will appeal to those Regency romances readers who may also like faith-based novels. The story has it all for the romance fan: unrequited love, loss of innocence and two men battling for the heart of one woman. It is an easy read, although improbable at times. Fans of Bethany House’s other offerings will enjoy it.
Review first published in The Historical Novel Review
Cambodian Red Curry Bean Curd with Sauteed Peppers
1 block of firm Tofu, cubed
2 TBS Kroeng Cambodian red curry paste
1 Large shallot sliced
1 hot green pepper cut in rings
1 yellow and 1 red sweet pepper sliced in rings
I clove elephant garlic cut in thick slices
I tsp minced fresh ginger
3 TBS cream of coconut
1 cup chicken stock mixed with one tsp cornstarch
dash soy sauce
dash salt
dash lime juice
3 TBS peanut oil
1 TBS sesame oil
Saute tofu with Kroeng and salt in the peanut oil in a very hot wok until tofu is beginning to brown. Add stock, cream of coconut and cornstarch. Toss and let cook down until the sauce is thick and coats well. Set aside in a warm bowl.
Reheat wok and add sesame oil and remainder of ingredients. Saute 4-5 mins until peppers are seared. Cover and let steam over low heat for 5 mins more. Serve over jasmine rice, veggies first, then top with tofu. Pairs well with Champagne.
1 block of firm Tofu, cubed
2 TBS Kroeng Cambodian red curry paste
1 Large shallot sliced
1 hot green pepper cut in rings
1 yellow and 1 red sweet pepper sliced in rings
I clove elephant garlic cut in thick slices
I tsp minced fresh ginger
3 TBS cream of coconut
1 cup chicken stock mixed with one tsp cornstarch
dash soy sauce
dash salt
dash lime juice
3 TBS peanut oil
1 TBS sesame oil
Saute tofu with Kroeng and salt in the peanut oil in a very hot wok until tofu is beginning to brown. Add stock, cream of coconut and cornstarch. Toss and let cook down until the sauce is thick and coats well. Set aside in a warm bowl.
Reheat wok and add sesame oil and remainder of ingredients. Saute 4-5 mins until peppers are seared. Cover and let steam over low heat for 5 mins more. Serve over jasmine rice, veggies first, then top with tofu. Pairs well with Champagne.