British ministers of parliament are complaining of Internet trolling in the wake of their votes to escalate military action in Syria
"It's just hurtful" A senior British MP said.
At least that is apparently how a constituency expessing it's disapproval and anger is now being defined. Showing it, by the way, over the same social media these politicians used to attract voter attention in the first place; the same Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram channels which these MPs themselves use to cyber-blurt their every vapid sound byte to the millions of "trolls" who elected these carnival barkers in the first place.
Poor babies, just wanting to be left to bomb in peace. Let's have a moment of silence for them. Remember, the first priority of post-Bush government is that these delicate hothouse orchids "keep the people safe." In order to do that, they increasingly need to feel safe from the people.
But first let us not fail to notice where the culture of victimization has brought us. Free-speech has always been dangerous; now it's being classified as predatory, abusive.
There oughtta be a law.
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